Laurent Lépitre is a young Vigneron heir to a family tradition over a century long in Coulommes-la-Montagne, in the Montagne de Reims. In search of his own identity but in line with his family's traditions, Laurent created his first cuvée “Le Levant” and “Le Couchant” in 2017. Distributed between the Montagne de Reims and the Massif de Saint Thierry, the vineyard grows on clayey-calcareous and sandy soils and is grown according to the principles of biodynamic agriculture, which does not involve the use of synthetic herbicides or insecticides.
In cellar the vinification is natural, spontaneous fermentations with indigenous yeasts are favored, in barrels of at least 15 years of age and any external intervention is limited to a minimum. The wines refine without induced stabilization processes. Strengthened by the savoir faire handed down to him, Laurent Lépitre has created real designer Champagne.
Glugulp srl via G. Lanfranchi 15
25036 Palazzolo s/O (BS)
T. 030 733834 -
P.IVA/CF e NR Registro Imprese: 03988870162
Capitale Sociale EUR 120.000,00 Int. Versato