Alexandre Lamblot represents the 13th generation of vignerons in his family. After working with Jérôme Prévost at La Closerie, Alexandre took over the family's 3.8 hectares and began working the old vineyards distributed in various plots around Janvry, Gueux, Vrigny and Chenay - villages in the northernmost part of the Petite Montagne de Reims where Meunier reaches its maximum expression.
Here he has implemented the use of biodynamics, agroforestry in the vineyards and the use of natural materials throughout the production of his Champagnes. Both in the vineyard and in the cellar, this is an important development that is immediately noticeable on tasting. Its primary objective is to express the terroir and vintage through its Champagnes following the motto "ne rien s'interdire, ne rien s'imposer" - do not forbid or impose anything.
In the vineyard he has also planted trees, especially fruit trees - more than a hundred of them - which shade the various plots, to prevent monoculture, which he considers harmful and a sign of a productivist era that he does not want. Alexandre is part of this new generation of vignerons who is doing its part. Like hummingbirds, he is gradually introducing and producing a Champagne that is not reasoned but reasonable.
Alexandre Lamblot has been tuned independen very quickly. After disagreeing with his parents, he was already working secretely (of course) in the family vineyards. The experiments of this "Monsieur toujours plus" continue in the cellar. Besides the lunar calendar, Alexandre Lamblot takes care of his virtuous chain using local corks, recycled paper labels, and recyclable cardboard.
Glugulp srl via G. Lanfranchi 15
25036 Palazzolo s/O (BS)
T. 030 733834 -
P.IVA/CF e NR Registro Imprese: 03988870162
Capitale Sociale EUR 120.000,00 Int. Versato