The 2023 brought many news in the Champagne panorama, an eclectic scenario of Maisons and Vignerons, characterized by real oenological gems: small emerging Vignerons who, with their innovative approach, challenge conventions by proposing original creations, experiments, with the desire to explore new horizons; historic Maisons that present new interpretations of their savoir-faire and launch new cuvées on the market, testimony to a constant commitment to the search for the most authentic expression of their style.
In this article we want to share with you the selection of the best-selling Champagnes in 2023 on our online shop, dividing them into two classes depending on the producer category (Maison and Vigneron) and the price range: Champagnes under 65 euros, more accessible , and those over 120 euros, for those looking for a more exclusive tasting experience.
We have analyzed the sales of 2023 and identified the most purchased Champagnes by you, dividing them by price range.
Whether you are demanding connoisseurs looking for an exclusive experience or simply enthusiasts looking for a Champagne that fits within your budget, our selection is studied to satisfy every type of enthusiast by offering alternatives for every need. Each tasting will tell you a story of excellence that will reveal itself at every sip; passion, commitment and mastery enclosed in a bottle.
Discover the GLUGULP! selection and choose your favorite Champagne, click HERE