Family of Vignerons since 1750, the Domaine Famille Moussé is located in the village of Cuisles, in Vallée de la Marne, devoted to Meunier. Vineyards are grown by Cedric Moussé according to bio-agriculture, employing herbal teas to supply them with vitamins, avoinding of course all sort of pesticides.
The new cellar was completed in 2012 and is very modern and eco-friendly. Cedric Moussé only uses steel tanks, with the exception of a small quantity of Meunier for its Rosé. The wines generally release red berries flavours, typical of Meunier, as well as a structured minerality. Famille Moussé is the only member in Club de Tresor, producing a 100% Meunier Champagne Special Club!
Glugulp srl via G. Lanfranchi 15
25036 Palazzolo s/O (BS)
T. 030 733834 -
P.IVA/CF e NR Registro Imprese: 03988870162
Capitale Sociale EUR 120.000,00 Int. Versato